With over twenty years of professional experience, I have developed recognized expertise in strategy and support for companies and communities engaged in energy transition and in the technical, economic and environmental assessment of alternatives to fossil fuels.
Biofuels, solar, marine or geothermal energy ... These solutions no longer hold secrets for me. Trained as a Chemical Engineer, I have been working on these issues since 1997 whenI joined the French Petroleum Institute (IFP, since renamed IFP Énergies nouvelles ). At IFP, I am responsible for monitoring and anticipating the long-term development of alternative road fuels and technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2008, I am appointed Vice President of the Biofuels and Renewable Energy product line at Technip. In this role, I developing the group's offer in terms of biofuels, solar and marine energies, geothermal energy and carbon capture and storage technologies. In particular, I create the group's offshore wind activity.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In 2016, after obtaining an Executive Master’s in Strategic Unit Management at HEC Paris, I decide to share my technical expertise and knowledge of the energy sector within AFD Climate division. In particular, I analyze the major changes that the energy sector has undergone in recent years, and its implications in the various regions of the world.
Today, I am an independent consultant.

23 years of professional experience
February - December 2024
• Deployment of the new climate strategy. • “Carbon footprint” referent expert. • Internal and external training on the “climate” context, energy and options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. • “Innovation” referent. • AFD official “communication” expert.
2008 - 2016
• Development and management of a multi-year R&D program in the field of renewable energies
(budget: 4M € / year).
• Implementation of various structuring partnerships with key technology suppliers.
• Coordination of responses to calls for tenders
between different business centers of the group (50 M € to
€ 2 billion).
• Creation and development of the “Technip
Offshore Wind ”(turnover of around 40 M €).
1997 - 2008
• Analysis of the transport sector and support for IFP research activities EN
• Carrying out of a long-term prospective multi-client study (RENAULT, PSA, etc.) on the evolution of transport in France
• Recognized expert in the field of life cycle analyzes with an important contribution to the study
JRC (EU) well-to-wheel benchmark
• Participation in the creation of the IFP EN e-business platform.